Sunday, October 14, 2018

Spatial Analysis of Interacting Economies: The Role of Entropy and Information Theory in Spatial Input-Output Modeling .pdf download by David F. Batten

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6. 2 Basic Model Characteristics 185 6. 3 A Closed Model Approach to Interregional Estimation 189 7 Towards an Integrated System of Models for National and Regional Development 205 7. 1 Introduction 205 7. 2 In Search of a Framework for Integration 207 7. 3 National Development Scenarios 222 7. 4 The National-Regional Interlace 231 7. 5 Regional Development Scenarios 236 7. 6 Concluding Remarks 244 Appendixes 253 A Basic Microstate Descriptions 253 B Incomplete Prior Information: A Simple Example 257 C Computing Capital Coefficients and Turnpike.
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Spatial Analysis of Interacting Economies: The Role of Entropy and Information Theory in Spatial Input-Output Modeling pdf
David F. Batten Spatial Analysis of Interacting Economies: The Role of Entropy and Information Theory in Spatial Input-Output Modeling free
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